In celebration of the coming of the 'enlightened one,' Buddha's birthday is feted with thousands of lanterns.  Although I don't embrace the spiritual dimensions of the occasion, it was still beautiful and spectacular to witness all the lanterns begin to glow at dusk.  Festivals and lantern parades are held in various locations in Korea (and all over the world), and apparently, people purchase lanterns in exchange for making wishes.  I had the opportunity to hike to a Buddhist temple in the mountains last weekend where the wish making was explained to me.  Some people purchase lanterns that are hung in various places.  Some people buy temple roof tiles and write their wishes on these. Others buy pink, lotus-shaped lanterns that hang inside the temple with wishes suspended on thousands of white papers.  As I couldn't read them, I asked one of the Korean teachers if most of the wishes were about health or finances.  She said no.  Most of them were requests for good SAT scores! 
5/23/2011 09:29:29 am

The lanterns are very pretty. It sounds like it was beautiful to see.
Hugs- Dianne

5/30/2011 04:55:27 am

The lanterns are lovely. Reminds me that every year I want to take in the Lantern festival in Victoria. Off topic - are you planting/growing/gardening over the summer?

6/18/2011 03:10:48 am

What is it about lanterns? They're just so beautiful!
Would love to go to the Lantern Festival in Victoria again Naomi--did you go the year that Meghan went? No garden this year...a few herbs in the sun room. I love seeing pics of yours!


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